
Note:    The handouts on this page are protected by copyright laws and are the property of Rosalinda Alfaro-LeFevre and Teaching Smart Learning. They may be downloaded for personal use only. School of Nursing Educators who require either of the Alfaro-LeFevre Texts posted at http://www.alfaroteachsmart.com/books.htm may make copies for their students, so long as they complete and send a permission request form by clicking here: http://www.alfaroteachsmart.com/NewOtherReq.htm. All others must send a specific permissions request detailing the intended use.

Most importantly: , While these handouts are guides that can promote critical thinking, they do not replace the need for knowledge, critical thinking, and judgment on the part of the user.

  Links to Handouts  

All links below require Adobe Acrobat Reader (click here if you need to download it). If you have trouble opening a document, right click on the link and save it to your computer.

General Use Handouts.

  1. Health Team Code of Conduct
  2. Critical Thinking Strategies
  3. Dead On Critical Thinking Game
  4. Diverse Personalities
    (Do You Know What to Do When Someone Turns Blue?)
  5. Nursing Process Summary
  6. Patient Self Assessment Tool
  7. Patient Data Analysis Worksheet (Virtual Clinical Instructor)
  8. Nuts and Bolts of Concept Mapping (Getting in the "Right" State of MInd)
  9. Key Points on Safe Medication Administration
  10. Left and Right Brain Test
  11. Diverse Learning Style Strategies
  12. The Joint Commission Speak Up ® Handout
  13. Top 10 Reasons to Improve Thinking
  14. Creating a Climate to Promote CT - 15 Thngs to Do
  15. Studying, Test-Taking, and NCLEX® Resources
  16. SIDE Care Principles
  17. Ethics Approaches

School of Nursing Faculty Handouts.

  1. Analyzing and Refining Assignments
  2. Clinical Cards
  3. Example Pre-course Assessment (Word Document)
  4. Scientific Investigation Critical Thinking Indicators (Word Document)
  5. Blooms Verbs Handout (Word Document)
  6. Creating a Climate to Promote CT - 15 Thngs to Do